Bird Buddy is setting up a unique network of feeders around the world, enabling you to receive postcards from them in your Home feed. Whether it's the US or any other part of the world, we're on a mission to make bird watching more accessible than ever before.
How It Works
To access BB Explore click on the settings icon of () on the main navigation bar in our app. Now you can scroll to the BB Explore section of the settings and set up your first remote feeder.
Feeder Slots
- You will have three slots available for feeder connections.
- Free users: 1 permanent slot and 2 timed slots (72-hour access).
- Premium users: 2 permanent slots and 1 timed slot (72-hour access).
- Remove connections anytime by clicking the trash icon to free up a slot and select new feeders that you want to receive postcards from.
- Keep in mind that you cannot access the feeder's live feed, but you will start receiving postcards from these locations just like you would from your own Bird Buddy feeder.
Feeder Network
- Click on the "Connect to a feeder" or "Connect for 72h" button for the slot you want to fill.
- Now you can browse among various feeders all over the world simply by swiping left.
Information on each available remote smart feeder includes its location and local time, diversity rating, and feeder type (Classic, Hummingbird, and Bird Bath).
Select "Connect to feeder" at the bottom of the screen to add that feeder to your feeder slot.
Availability status of remote feeders in Bird Buddy Explore:
- Unlocked: Available to all users
- Premium: Available for Bird Buddy Premium users only
New remote feeder locations will be teased with a countdown, allowing you to set reminders, so you never miss an exciting new opportunity to explore a new region and discover more birds.
Notifications you may receive about Bird Buddy Explore:
- New feeders being added to the network
- Expiration of feeder connections
- Reminders for upcoming feeders
- Notifications of successful friend invitations
- Notifications upon unlocking a feeder
If you run into any issues with connecting to a remote feeder, please contact our support team.
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