The Bird Buddy Experiments is a new app section designed exclusively for our Bird Buddy Premium users. It allows you to get early access to experimental features and upcoming releases. Become a part of the development process by providing valuable feedback and enjoying the latest innovations first.
- Open the Bird Buddy App: Ensure you are logged into your Bird Buddy account.
- Go to Settings: Tap on the Settings icon in your app.
Select Bird Buddy Experiments: Within the Settings menu, look for the Bird Buddy Experiments section.
Currently Available Features
- AI+
- Nature Chat
- Family Interactions (Family Premium Subscription)
- Nature Connected Home
AI+ is an advanced feature of Bird Buddy, designed to enhance species recognition and provide deeper insights into the birds visiting your feeder. While currently in beta as part of Bird Buddy Experiments, AI+ is exclusively available to Bird Buddy Premium members who own a feeder.
Postcards that have been identified by AI+ will be marked with the icon next to the species name:
For Premium users, AI+ is turned on automatically. Previously Unrecognized and Mystery visitors will be reanalyzed by the advanced AI.
Users without the Premium subscription have the option to run AI+ manually on an unrecognized postcard:
Nature Chat
Nature Chat lets you learn more about the birds visiting your feeder with engaging and detailed information. Whether you're curious about a bird’s migration patterns, feeding habits, or fun facts about their behavior, Nature Chat is your go-to resource for deeper exploration.
Start a Chat
Tap the Nature Chat icon () on the bottom left, or click Learn more if a Nature Chat fun fact is already displayed below the postcard:
From there, you can select one of the available prompts to dive into a topic of your choice.
- All users can enjoy one prompt per day.
- Premium members get unlimited access to Nature Chat.
Tip: Prompts are displayed as bubbles with tags to help you explore different topics.
Family Interactions (Family Premium Subscription)
Guests and owners of a shared bird feeder can view each other's reactions on postcards. This feature adds a layer of connection, allowing everyone to engage with memorable bird sightings together.
Reactions from other members who interacted with a postcard will appear at the bottom of the postcard.
Nature Connected Home
Let the sounds and sights of nature flow seamlessly into your living space with an effortless connection to your home's smart displays and speakers. Connect your Bird Buddy feeder with Amazon Alexa-enabled devices for an enhanced experience.
Ask Alexa to connect to your Bird Buddy to explore the currently available features:
- See the latest postcards (say “Alexa, show my latest postcard!”)
- Receive daily recaps of your visits (say “Alexa, Give me the daily recap”)
- Initiate live stream (coming soon)
Here are the instructions for integrating Bird Buddy with Alexa:
- Open Alexa Skill Store: Start by navigating to the Alexa Skill Store on your Alexa account (not in the Bird Buddy app).
- Search for Bird Buddy: In the Skill Store, search for the Bird Buddy skill.
- Enable the Skill: Enable the Bird Buddy skill on your Alexa account.
- Log In: To log in, scan the QR code displayed on your Alexa device using your phone.
- Premium Users Only: Please note that this feature is available exclusively for Premium users.
Automatic Feature Enable: In the Bird Buddy app, the Alexa integration feature will be automatically enabled for Premium users. However, nothing will happen unless you start the integration process from Alexa.
Supported devices:
Echo Show 1
Echo Show 2
Echo Show 5
Echo Show 8
Echo Show 15
Also available on:
Fire HD 8
Fire HD 10
Fire TV
Not supported on:
Fire Tablet 7
Fire Tablet 8
Fire Tablet 10
Echo Spot