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Reporting community photos

While we’re always excited to see the photos you want to share, we at Bird Buddy truly value your privacy and we always keep your privacy concerns in mind. 

If your feeder is positioned in a way that could give away your location, or if there is a person in the background of the photo, we suggest you don’t share it with the Bird Buddy community.

If you find that someone has shared a photo that could potentially break our community guidelines, you can report it.


Reporting a photo

To report a photo in the Bird Buddy community, tap the three dots (dots.png) at the top right side of your screen. The option to report the picture should appear.

Once you select that option, a list of potential violations pops up.


Potential violations of our community guidelines include:

  • No bird in the photo
  • Wrong bird
  • Violence
  • Nudity
  • Harassment 
  • Involves a child
  • Something else (here, we ask that you provide a reason)

You need to select at least one of the listed reasons if you want to report a photo. After that, it is sent to our support team for review.

You can also always reach out to us at support@mybirdbuddy.com or the ticket submission page with any concerns you may have.

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