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The app doesn't have internet access

In order to gain access to your Collections, receive postcards, or connect to your friend’s feeder, the app needs to connect to a functioning internet network. If the app is letting you know that this is not possible at the moment, the following steps can help you identify the problem:

  1. Check if your mobile device is experiencing connectivity issues by opening a different app that uses the internet. If it doesn't work either, make sure you're connected to a mobile network or Wi-Fi.
  2. Make sure that the network you're connected to can access the internet. If it can't, try troubleshooting your mobile device or your Wi-Fi access point settings, or try contacting your internet service provider for help.
  3. If other apps can access the internet, try completely closing the Bird Buddy app and opening it again.
    → How to completely close an app on iOS
    → How to completely close an app on Android 

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